Camellia Marge Miller sasanqua

Camellia Marge Miller sasanqua

Buddleja Nanhoensis

Buddleja Nanhoensis

Wisteria sinensis alba white

Only 1 left

Wisteria sinensis alba - white

Vigorous, deciduous climber that produces large, fragrant white flowers in Spring that are up to 45cm long.

Pot Size: 20cm / 200mm

Wisteria sinensis alba - white

Ideal for along fences, walls and arbors to provide Summer shade.

Deciduous in winter, this climber has cascading blooms that start to appear in Spring.

More Information
Common Name White Chinese Wisteria
Botanical Name Wisteria sinensis alba
Position Full Sun
Flower Colour White
Foliage Colour Green
Fragrance Scented
Flower Season Spring, Summer
Pot Size 200mm (20cm)
Origin Exotic
Hates Dark location
Likes Heavy prune after flowering in Winter to contain shape.
Swane's Says Keep well watered in dry weather but avoid wetting the foliage. Fertilise in early Spring.