Gardenia Magnifica augusta

Gardenia Magnifica augusta

Calliandra Red Pom Pom

Calliandra Red Pom Pom

Gardenia Florida augusta

Regular Price $19.95 Special Price $9.95

NOTE: Potted plants can not be sent to NT, WA & TAS addresses due to quarantine restrictions.

Gardenias are lush garden shrubs, renowned for their exquisitely perfumed white flowers and glossy deep green leaves. Gardenias are right at home in cottage, formal, contemporary, or tropical gardens.

These gardenias are in 140mm / 14cm pots.

Gardenias are lush garden shrubs, renowned for their exquisitely perfumed white flowers and glossy deep green leaves. Gardenias are right at home in cottage, formal, contemporary, or tropical gardens.

Swane's Nurseries finds Gardenia 'Florida' to be the easiest to grow of all the gardenias, and can tolerate full sun positions.

Prune into a bun shape, or grow as a beautiful fragrant low/medium informal hedge.

Plant near walkways or near windows to really enjoy the sensational perfume!

More Information
Common Name Gardenia Florida
Botanical Name Gardenia augusta 'Florida'
Position Full Sun, Part Shade
Height Pruned from 60cm. Unpruned height to 150cm.
Width Pruned from 50cm. Unpruned to 100cm
Spacing 50-75cm
Flower Colour White
Foliage Colour Green
Fragrance Scented
Cold Tolerance Light frosts
Flower Season Spring, Autumn
Pot Size 140mm (14cm)
Origin Exotic
Hates Very poor soil. Wet feet.
Likes Acid soils - 5- 6.5 .Regular pruning after flowering. Regular fertilising with low release fertiliser for acid loving plants.
Swane's Says You can't go past the fragrance of gardenias! Give them plenty of food, and you'll have flowers galore!