Harvest 500ml

Harvest 500ml

Herb & Vegetable Mix 30L

Herb & Vegetable Mix 30L

DroughtShield RTU

Only 3 left

DroughtShield 750ml

Prevents water loss by up to 50%.

Safe & easy use for all plants.

Drought & frost proof your plants. Protects plants from extreme conditions.

DroughtShield 750ml

Prevents water loss by up to 50%.

Safe & easy use for all plants.

Drought & frost proof your plants. Protects plants from extreme conditions.

Forms a protective, clear colymer film over leaves protecting them from damaging environmental conditions including heat, water loss, drying winds, sunburn, droughts, light frosts and transplant shock.

Allows you to water less often.

Lasts up to 90 days and is biodegradable.