Just Joey Winter Rose

Just Joey Winter Rose

Mister Lincoln Winter Rose

Mister Lincoln Winter Rose

Marilyn Monroe Winter Rose


Marilyn Monroe. Named for the screen legend, this shapely Hybrid Tea rose is a winner as a cut flower or the star performer in your garden. The blooms are a creamy apricot in colour, often with a light wash of green as they start to open. Long-pointed buds transform into large, full blooms surrounded by rich green foliage. With long stems and a beautiful, lightly scented flower this rose is perfect for cutting and displaying.

Bare root / winter rose plant (not in a pot).

Diamonds may be a girl’s best friend but the superior vase life and perfect flower form on the gem will demand the devotion of exhibitors.

Bare root / winter rose plant (not in a pot).

Pre-orders open in January each year. Bare root (or Winter) roses only available in Winter.

The yearly harvest of 2 year old roses occurs every May with plants becoming available in June – July.

More Information
Rose Category Hybrid Tea
Breeder Carruth
Breeder Code WEKsunspat
Colour Orange
Colour Apricot cream.
Fragrance Scented *
Fragrance Lightly tea scented.
Awards Passed Swane's arduous evaluations.
Parentage Sunset Celebration x St Patrick
Disease Resistance Great
Height 130cm
Foliage Deep green
Flower Size 100–110mm
Petal Count 30-35
Swane's Says Best apricot rose when it comes to tolerating hot weather.